Saturday April 11th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: four.

Miles turns four tomorrow, by the way. So it's a combined Easter and birthday celebration and I don't know how we're going to get either of the boys to sleep tomorrow night.


Greg said...

Happy birthday to Miles then! How does the joint celebtration work? Does the Easter Bunny bring extra gifts for him? Or does he get the Easter bunny as a birthday present? Ah, I know, you all sit down and watch Joe Exotic for an hour, and then you tell him that the tigers ate the Easter bunny but you did manage to save his presents from the tiger, and here they are!

Red would dance through the night and the guards,
Blinding cameras and conjoining with shadows,
Leaving them sure there were four of him — or more.
Emma walks up to the first and asks for directions.

Marc said...

Greg - hmm, I like the idea of giving him the Easter Bunny as a present. Too bad Easter Sunday won't fall on his birthday again until... uh, 2093?

Shit, I guess we should have made a bigger deal of it.

Hah, love the contrast you've presented here. Feels very accurate for these two :)