Friday May 15th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the message.


Greg said...

I stared at the prompt for several seconds before realising that you're asking for more information about that little chain of Scrabble tiles from last time :-D I may not be completely awake yet.

The message
Margaret's finger were trembling as she turned the little linked Scrabble tiles over; there weren't many, perhaps twenty or so, and it was just a little too large to be a bracelet on her arms. THE FAT LADY SINGS was the message, and she looked first at it, and then at Claire. Fat was maybe a little bit rude, but the subject of the message was clear. What was puzzling Margaret, and she turned the tiles to and fro in her hands as she thought about it, was why and when there would be singing.

Marc said...

Greg - lol

Well, I'm glad you got there eventually. And left a little mystery to the message, which I should have expected from you :)