Wednesday May 6th, 2020

The exercise:

Write about: a close shave.


Greg said...

I feel like you're curious to see what happens next with the Inspectral, so I shall set aside my tale of the blind barber for now....

A close shave
“…-ve got three… light… -sed to be si-… -mn thing.”
“Have we… -ed the… -et?”
“How the hell should I know?” The last sentence was shouted and made it clearly over the buzzing noise. The Inspectral smiled. “That’s Tony,” he said in a whisper. “Impatient and angry. William must be in charge of the operation then.”
Behind them the whole room suddenly lit up for two seconds; purple-white light blazing out and upwards from the stairwell. Adams and Collins turned round, looking in amazement at nothing special, while the Inspectral continued to gaze through the window of the doors. Timothy barked, softly, once and wagged his tail.
“… -as that?”
“Quickly,” said the Inspectral. “Back; let’s find an office to wait in. They’re going to investigate whatever Ethel has done.”
Adams looked at Collins, and he was relieved to see that she looked as confused as he felt. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide.
“Ok,” he said, a moment later, realising that she wasn’t going to take the lead as she usually did. “This way.” He took them back to the first door he’d looked in, trying not to look behind him to see if they’d been spotted, and feeling a momentary relief when they turned the corner and were clearly out of sight. When his hand touched the door handle panic surged again – what if it was locked? But it opened to his touch, and they and Timothy slipped inside and closed the door.
“Where’s the Inspectral?” Adams looked around as though expecting him to be behind them, but the room just held the three of them.
“He was behind us,” said Collins, now wishing he had looked back. “Maybe he’s gone into a different room? So that if they find us they don’t find him?”
Adams opened her mouth, but then a shadow fell across the doorway.
“There’s no-one here,” said a deep voice. “Most likely they’ve tripped the trap down in the tunnels.”
“So we leave them there and finish up here?” This voice was Tony’s, thinner and whinier.
“No-o-o-oo.” William sounded like he was thinking. “No, let’s get them and make sure they’re all dealt with. If only some of them triggered the trap then the rest might still be making their way here.”
“How many of them d’y’think there are?”
“Malcolm said that the Inspectral is back on the case,” said William. His voice was deep enough that it almost rumbled, and Collins found himself picturing a broad-shouldered, barrel-chested man with muscled arms and legs. “He’ll have brought everyone he can spare.”
“He’s a cautious cunny, then?”
“Hah. He’s still sore about last time. I think there’s every chance he’s sent some expendables into the trap and is standing back evaluating the damage right now. Let’s go.”
There was a moment’s silence, and then Tony said, “What if they’s all hiding up here though? There’s plenty of rooms.”
“Then how did they set the trap off?”
“Aye, I see your point. You got your ghostbustin’ gun?”
“Oh yes. Oh, very yes.”

Marc said...

Greg - appreciated :)

This is well played. Though you have left me concerned about this ghost busting gun... and the whereabouts of the Inspectral.