Saturday April 24th, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: hitting a rough patch.


Greg said...

Well, that's already happened whether my narrator knows it or not: he's on a huge ship and knows nothing about directing it. Plus, these things usually require a minimum number of people to crew them, and his has been rusting for years or decades already...

Hitting a rough patch
No engines thrum beneath this rusted hull,
No sails obscure the sky and instruct the winds to steer.
The water up ahead is getting turbulent —
I am helpless as the rough patch draws ever near’r.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, seaworthy it ain't. But he hasn't drowned yet, so that's a positive!

Really like the desolate feeling coming from the first two lines. And the incoming (increased) danger of the final two lines.

Still enjoying this and remain curious to see where things go and how it all ends up for your narrator.