Friday October 1st, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the girl with the guitar.


Greg said...

An odd choice of prompt for you since I did have a story on Protagonise called "The girl with the guitar" that was an Ilmatu story... I wonder if I could really bring them neatly in in just four lines? However, I have another idea for today, so you are spared that attempt :)

The girl with the guitar
The dough girl stretched and stretched, feeling herself get more flexible and pliable as she did so. She was sure that with just a little more effort she would be agile enough to squeeze through anything and finally escape the evil Baker's prison. The evil laughter from the doorway just made her all the more determined, but as she lunged for what looked like the window to freedom she realised too late that there were fine strings stretched across it....
"My guitar has defeated you, dough-girl, gloated the Baker twirling his fine black moustache with a finger, "and I shall introduce you to Mr. Ragu henceforth!"

Marc said...

Greg - really? I don't recall that one. I've no idea why, either, considering it's apparent content...

Anyway. Actual inspiration was my rediscovery of Rachel Sermanni. Pretty sure I was listening to her Mahogany Session version of Marshmellow Unicorn while trying to think of a prompt.

Hah, an entirely unexpected take on the prompt. Full marks on that account!