Tuesday October 26th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: birthdays.

In general or, you know, mine in particular.

(Work was a trial today, but the evening with my family was excellent and the cake was delicious.)


Greg said...

Ok so I have no idea if Blogger will accept this comment today either, as I don't know what it's problem is with yesterday's. It kept pretending to accept it, showing me the page with the comment published, and when I refreshed it deleted it. So... I have no idea. I even copied the text from when it showed it to me and pasted it from there, in case there was an encoding issue, but no, still hated it.

Happy birthday though! It sounds like I'm a day or two late, but I hope that the days after it are better than the day itself, judging from your comment about work!

Your birthday was so
many years past. This is an

Born in a leap year,
He ages much less than us,
Is he immortal?

Marc said...

Greg - thanks, despite all the hassles involved on your end, for the birthday wishes. It's a busy time of year between my birthday, Halloween, and Max's birthday, but it's been pretty good this go 'round.

Hmm, not quite immortal, but living four times longer than most would sure seem that way, wouldn't it?