Friday October 22nd, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the complainer.

Some people, you guys. Some. People.

Anyway. It's the weekend! Hurray!


Greg said...

Well, some people are happiest when they're complaining about things, and some people are happiest when they're creating a drama, so sooner or later you're going to run into some of them unless you're a hermit. And even then, I suspect someone would find a way to complain... I hope you managed to handle your complainers with elegance and aplomb and that they don't come back :)

The complainer
"Well, I must say this place is an absolute tip! What are you doing here, living in a cave, eating roots and berries and using a tree for a toilet?"
The hermit, who was doing exactly that and being paid 800CAD a month by Sixticton's council (who believed that a genuine hermit was a tourist attraction and a good way of distracting from the Asbestos Park problem), smiled revealing brown teeth and a blackened stump of a tongue.
The complainer shuddered and started shrieking about dentists, tailors and other things well out of the hermit's budget while Security approached with tasers out.

Marc said...

Greg - yes, we know those people either by sight as they approach the doors or by voice over the phone. Or by name when the emails come in.

That's a unique tourist attraction idea! Well done, Sixticton!