Tuesday February 1st, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: Wordle.

I have recently fallen prey to the... phenomenon? Sure. I'm only eleven days in but I'm definitely hooked. I especially like how people can share their results without spoiling anything and I think my brain is very fond of the colour patterns and trying to figure out how others got to the answer.

This will all change, I'm sure, the first day I'm unable to determine the answer and I rage quit the whole deal.


Greg said...

Hmm. That was actually slightly annoying: my first guess on that produced three green letters (the middle three) and left me in the awkward place of knowing the last letter (it was forced) and having three letters that all made real, common words in first place. So I ended up with 4 guesses, but it could have been two just as easily.

And the BBC have been commenting for a couple of days now that the New York Times has bought Wordle, so I suppose we might yet see that that becomes the only site you can play "legitimate" Wordle on.

Now, how to write haiku about it?

Only six guesses
To find a five letter word...
When will I ragequit?

My plan: Unwordle,
Six guesses, no real words, just
Constant frustration

Marc said...

Greg - I've been mostly fortunate in those situations thus far; if my first guess doesn't get it, usually the second does. Today's was an interesting one, as by the third guess I had three greens and two oranges, so I only had to switch the oranges to get it on the fourth.

Hah, appreciate both of these.

Discovered Nerdle the other day. You might appreciate it.

Feel like I should probably contribute one on this topic, so...

Is how I begin; no hope
Of winning in two

I should probably put more effort into my first two guesses as far as actually getting the solution, but I suspect that if I did my chances of not getting the answer at all would increase drastically. Anyway, 15/15 so far, so the streak continues!