Friday September 23rd, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the print shop.

At work we got the ballots from the printers this afternoon, so now we can start giving people who want to vote by mail their packages. I'm part of the team coordinating that part of things, so I expect that will be keeping me quite busy in the lead up to election day, which is October 15th.


Greg said...

Is this the same kind of thing as you mentioned when the envelope-stuffing machine broke? It seems familiar, a little, but I'm not entirely sure. So what are you doing as co-ordinator in all of this? I can imagine you standing there in an opera-cape with a monocle and silver-knobbed cane holding up a length of paper as long as three men and reading names and addresses out while your minions scurry hither and thither to put together the correct set of papers, insert them into the machine for folding and stuffing and then dispatch them via Mountie to the recipient.
Well, it makes a change from assassinating people :)

The print shop
"This isn't my thesis," wailed a plump woman, probably no more than nineteen or twenty, waving a sheaf of papers around in anguish. As an assistant hurried over to help her, she continued, "this says it's about the wife and limes of Henry Fork, not the life and times of Henry Ford!"
As the assistant reached the distressed woman and attempted to extract the papers from her hands the supervisor looked up, frowning.
"You're aware that this the Misprint shop, not the print shop, right?"

Marc said...

Greg - hate to disappoint you, but all I've been doing is helping review the vote by mail applications and compiling the necessary parts (instruction letter, secrecy envelope, resident or non-resident envelope, voting envelope, and voting package envelope) for the chief election officer to issue ballots.

It's been quite busy this week and I think we're all looking forward to getting through tomorrow so that we have more time to do other things.

Hah, I feel like a lot of places could explain their regular mistakes by insisting that their business name has a 'mis' in front of it.