Saturday September 17th, 2022

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: ignition.

Done with being in the car for a few days. And sitting for long periods of time. And thinking.

(Honestly it was genuinely interesting and useful stuff but, like, brain done now)


Greg said...

You make it sound like you've come to prefer cycling to work over driving to work! Or is this perhaps because your summer involved a lot of driving around as well, and you were appreciating the change of being back to normal?

Well, the poem staggers on, and I realise that we've covered nearly three-quarters of the year now, so I guess it's going to have to limp on to the end.
But next year... I'm not so sure I'll do this again.

Or… maybe I’ll borrow some matches and wood;
Set fire to my books and start a new life.
My intentions are pure and my plans are for good
But all I’ve so far is trouble and strife.

Marc said...

Greg - I drove to work last week Monday to Wednesday and biked Thursday and Friday and honestly that felt about right.

I still appreciate the effort you put in this year and fully support you not doing it again next year.

... and I feel like maybe that last line is about your experience of writing the poem itself :P