Friday October 14th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the start of something new.

There are several municipal elections happening tomorrow that I'm deeply interested in seeing the results of. In addition to the five within the RDOS, there's Penticton and Osoyoos for sure, as well as a handful of mayoral and council races around the province.

Looking forward to tomorrow, and not just because it signals the end of a whole pile of work for myself.


Greg said...

I hope the step-down in work in a welcome relief and doesn't leave you looking around wondering what else you can do with your time :) And I look forward to hearing how well the election goes after all your hard work!

Moving on to something new
"When did Dr Fraud die?" asked Cordelia as she browsed her way through the stacks of his old files, mostly still sat on Fenella desk.
"He didn't," said Fenella, who was slowly filing the cases in the filing cabinets, though she was slowed down by the constant discoveries of Dr Fraud's methods as they skimmed each file. "He moved onto something new. He became a pharmaceutical engineer for Pfizer."

Marc said...

Greg - there was definitely an adjustment period, a time where I wondered what I had done with all my time when the elections weren't monopolizing my days. But that, happily, has passed now :)

Hah, that seems like a suitable career change for the good doctor. I am continuing to enjoy the scenes with these two, by the way.