Tuesday November 25th, 2008

The exercise:

I'm under the impression that the CPU on my home desktop computer died last night, so that's why this is late.

I'll be updating from work for the next few days, hopefully it will be taken care of by the weekend.

Anyway, the exercise is: write an acrostic. I wrote mine last night - I bet you would never have guessed.


There it goes again.
Every time it
Crashes I wonder
How much it will cost,
Never expecting
Or hoping for a
Lightning fast repair;
Only wishing this
Garbage would happen
Yearly, not monthly.


Anonymous said...

Apparently this is the only acrostic prompt you've had that I've not written for, so while you're short on internet I thought I'd contribute to it.
I rather like yours, and it's amusing that it's about the same of thing that's causing you problems at the moment! If I could spell synchronicity I'd remark upon it.
And finally, an immodest note. The acrostic I contributed for May 28th 2009, In Vino Veritas, has made me wonder how I've managed to go downhill so far. That's easily the best poem I've written. I'm slightly depressed after finding that again!

By morning we were sober but,
like animals inside a cage
on heated floors, we paced and roared.
We puffed our chests and strutted proud.

Old Frank, the monk, paused on his way
upstairs to pray in God's own light.
"There is no spoon," he quietly said,

"There just a candle by the bed.
He lit it; you must blow it out."
Each man among us looked about.

"Can you see candles?" we all thought;
and they were hidden, seemingly.
Nine hours went by; then at last
Dan found enlightenment and sighed.
"Look here!" he said and breathed upon
Empty hands, then he was gone.

Marc said...

Greg - huh, I guess computer problems bring out the acrostic in me.

That is certainly a fantastic poem, though I don't think you've fallen quite so far as you imagine.

Also: holy moly I love your final stanza today. Just so good!

All right, that's enough catching up on comments for today. At least I got a start on it, right?