Wednesday November 26th, 2008

The exercise:

The starter for today: impulse purchase. I'm writing mine at noon but scheduling it to get posted at six tonight because... well, no good reason, really. But I am and you can't stop me!


I'm sitting here at work, on my lunch break, thinking about buying a laptop. Today.

There are several problems with this idea.

One: I know very, very little about laptops. I don't know what brands are good, I don't know how fast it needs to be to not drive me crazy, I don't know how big a screen I need not to go cross-eyed... all that good stuff. Not a clue.

Two: I don't have the money to buy a top-end model, which is fine. But I have no idea how low the price can go before I get into the 'will break in one month' range.

Three: This really seems like a purchase I should research. But I don't want to wait.

This won't end well.

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