Wednesday December 20th, 2017

The exercise:

Write about: discretion.


Greg said...

Thank-you for the nice words on the haiku yesterday. It's always struck me that motivational speakers are expected to do things that are considered 'positive' by society as a whole, and yet you can be motivational about anything, including things that are either bad for you, or bad for society. And in fact it should be much easier to be that kind of motivational speaker....

D is for Darkness, in which things may hide,
I is Ideas, incepted inside.
S is for Subtlety, which moves like a snake,
C is for Caring, which is carefully fake.
R is the Road which we must all take.

E is an Ending, and kept out of sight,
T is for Terror, brought on in the night.
I is for Ice because we're sanguine and cold,
O's your Opponent, bloody and old,
N is this Nightmare in which you're enrolled.

Discretion is how you were told to behave,
Lacking it leads to this cold, icy grave.

Marc said...

Greg - very true :)

Well, this is fantastic. All of it. The ending couplet in particular, as it ends things perfectly, but the first stanza is also brilliant. Bravo!