Saturday January 12th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: how it all began.

Which is a significantly easier prompt to work into the second entry of a fifty-two part poem than what I'd initially chosen, having utterly forgotten about this experiment.

If 'experiment' is the right word for... this.

Anyway, I think I'm going to call last week's opening a prologue of sorts. That way the story of the poem can begin with:


The Master was sipping his morning coffee
(Which Big Buddy had just brewed)
When he suddenly decided his rival's
Lives all needed to conclude

... and I am now realizing this is going to be much more difficult than telling a story in monthly installments, as this thing is going to need to flow from week to week. Coming up with prompts for this, which will need to work for both Greg and myself, is going to be... interesting.


Greg said...

Experiment is definitely the right word, and calling last week the prologue weeks works very well with the current prompt, so I'm glad you thought of that! I'm keeping all the verses I've written so far (two!) in a separate document so I can see the poem overall, which I bet you are too, because the flow will be tricky otherwise -- as would hunting back for a half-remembered reference to something! I have enough trouble with some of my continuations because I only know I last wrote about them "a month of so ago".

Don't worry about having the prompt work for me, I'll find ways to make things work :) I have a lot of freedom in Madame Sosotris's world anyway, and there's lots about if I haven't told you yet :)

I like yours again, I like how the Master and Buddy are defining roles and things seem a little calmer than the prologue suggests they're going to get. One suggestions: I would move the words "Lives" to the end of the third line instead of the start of the fourth as I think it scans slightly better -- what do you think?

How it all began
It speaks in Old Enochian, the lan-
gauge of the angels, who also had no
Words to name this beast. Misunderstandings
Multiply and Chaos starts to giggle.

Marc said...

Greg - so far I've settled for tagging these prompts with Robot and Master Prompt. I have not yet created a central file for all the pieces. I suspect the necessity of doing so will become apparent by... March at the latest.

Agree with your observation. I'll probably change it at some point. Maybe :)

I feel as though Chaos giggling is... not a *great* sign.