Saturday January 5th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: a robot and its master.

Or, if you're at least a little bit crazy, write the first four lines of a poem that will eventually be 208 lines long. And take you a year to write.

Greg, sometimes?

Sometimes I hate you.

For the record: I have no idea where mine is going. I only know where it begins.



Unit 78-B-2M-6O
(Better known as Big Buddy)
Served its master very long and very well
(Though sometimes things got bloody...)


Greg said...

Hating me is normal, don't worry about it. For the record, I hate everybody. Equally though, there's no favouritism here :)
I'm really pleased to see that you've decided to pitch in with this, and I get the feeling you might have an idea of where the prompts will go, at least for a little while, and that should be fun. I have no idea, but Big Buddy put in me in mind straight away of the computer from our year-long expedition to Mars.... I definitely like the sound of him, and the jauntiness of the verse!

As for mine... well, if T.S. Eliot can do it then so can I.

A robot and its master
Madame Sosotris sniffs, the other-world
Sends messages: a robot comes, but what
That is escapes her. Tea-cups shatter — the
Robot has no master. A shadow forms.

Marc said...

Greg - hah :P

Oh no, I have no idea what's coming. I legitimately decided to embark on this ridiculous task on a whim. I'm sure I won't come to regret that decision, aaaaat all.

... and I just realized I'd forgotten about this nonsense when scheduling Saturday's prompt. I better go have another look at what I chose after I reply to this.

Ah, the Colony computer! Thank you for reminding me of that one :)

Ooh, I'm excited for this. 52 weeks worth of poetry in Madame Sosotris' world? Yes please.