Friday June 12th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: effusive.


Greg said...

I am curious as to how you picked the title today. It turned out rather... useful :)

Margaret was watching Claire carefully as she shuffled letters around her rack, but for the moment she seemed to be genuinely looking for possible plays. Turning her attention back to her own rack she considered her letters: EEFFISU. Enough vowels, to be sure, but there were a lot of F's in there. She considered FIVES for a while, and wistfully noted that with an H on her rack she could have played SHERIFF, so when she finally played EFFUSIVE her face was almost as sad as Claire's.

Marc said...

Greg - I was looking back at your last Friday reply and trying to come up with something useful for your next entry. Mission accomplished!

Hah, I like that she manages to be disappointed while still playing a rack clearing word. I can only imagine how Claire will take that :)