Friday June 5th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: aggressive.


Greg said...

More Derby? Well, I still intend to just pick and choose a few characters for next week as a break, so if you think of anyone else in the meantime, let me know, but I shall have a think about what Derby might be doing at the moment. And Samual, probably; he seemed to be in an interesting position when we left him last time.

After Theresa's turn was Claire's partner, and though Theresa racked her mind thoroughly she couldn't remember his name at all. He seemed to be the antithesis of Claire: mild where she was aggressive, unobtrusive where she was flamboyant, and calm where she was histrionic. All in all... suspicious, in Theresa's considered opinion. Which didn't change on iota when he laid down UN to make UNREEVES and seemed satisfied with it.

Marc said...

Greg - I will never object to more Derby and Samual. But if you're looking for something different I did have a couple suggestions in yesterday's reply.

Hmm, this two make quite the pair. I'm curious to see how this partner turns out, as the game marches on.