Friday June 26th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: a counterpunch.


Greg said...

I have a couple of plans around the balloon still, but mostly I agree with you: it's going to be hard to put it back together. I like the suggestion of a boat-thef... boat-heis... boat-trip for the boys at some point though!

Now, scrabble....
Theresa counted the number of Es on the board and noted with some surprise that there were six: half of them gone already. She frowned, realising that this game was likely to grind to a halt quite quickly with the vowels disappearing that like. She glared at her rack (ADENTUV) wondering why Claire's last play (ESCAPEE) made her so sure that the woman was going to cheat.
When she finally played ADVENTURE down from the central triple word score it was with a feeling like she'd counterpunched, and she was really, but secretly, happy, to see Claire recoil as though she'd been shocked.

Marc said...

Greg - hah :)

I'm enjoying this game, I think the most of the games played so far. They feel very evenly matched, though obviously not everyone is playing evenly...