Tuesday June 30th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the road not taken.

Had a pretty great getaway, overall. The hikes were the clear high points for me. Here's a few pictures I took along the way:


Greg said...

Those are some excellent pictures! I like the first and last that you've posted best for the composition (and the light contrasts in the first especially!) It looks like you had a very nice weekend getaway.

And... Robert Frost; an excellent choice of poem, always.

The road less taken
The road less taken
was a motorway slip-road...
I made a mistake.

The well-walked road had
potholes, landslides and demons.
Another mistake.

Greg said...

By the way,


Marc said...

Greg - thanks! And Robert Frost was the first poet I fell in love with, so I'll always have a soft spot for his works.

Hah, two roads, two mistakes. I'd be a little more worried about the demons though.

And... that is glorious. Thank you for sharing that.