Friday September 18th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: one down, one to go.


Greg said...

I hope your pondering of alien moose is proving productive, as I think it's an excellent idea. I especially liked your suggestion that the moose are already aliens living among us and trying to understand us.

One down, one to go
"Last time we had an interdimensional incursion," said Theresa, "was six years ago in Quebec, if you remember? They said they contained it, but then Trudeau appeared out of nowhere and got elected to the leadership of the party--"
She was interrupted by Claire's husband splitting lengthwise down his body and something long, thin and hairy starting trying to climb out, putting mucoidal tentacles onto the shoulders of the human body and crushing them in an attempt to get leverage.
"I was all set to play COLONNADE as well," said Margaret, ducking as a containment specialist was picked up and hurled over their heads.

Marc said...

Greg - hah. Yes, I'll have to see if anything comes of all this pondering.

This tournament only grows stranger and stranger. I do enjoy and appreciate how calm and unbothered Theresa and Margaret are remaining though!