Tuesday September 22nd, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about things which are: in plain sight.

Smoke cleared over the weekend. Enjoying the blue skies, though they are calling for rain tomorrow.


Greg said...

I would happy for the rain -- that should get rid of any lingering ash and particles in the air from the smoke :) Plus, I like rain regardless. And it might keep the more irritating people away from the town hall and give you an easier day of impersonating the Mayor ;-)

In plain sight
Hiding Christmas gifts
In September, in plain sight....
Dad is sneaky smart.

December arrives.
Each gift is mouldy. Perhaps
Next year buy later?

Marc said...

Greg - it mostly made people grumpy because I made them wait outside in the cold. And because I'm a sucker, I waited out there with them, mostly, so that they couldn't say I wasn't suffering alongside them. Thank goodness for coffee.

Hah. Or things that don't get mouldy quite so quickly. I do like the idea of getting all the shopping done ahead of time though...