Friday September 4th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the end of the road.

Vegas finally managed to eliminate the Canucks from the playoffs this evening. Disappointing, but I don't think too many people gave them much of a chance to get as far as they did this year.

Also: hurray, long weekend!


Greg said...

Ah, that is a shame for the Canucks, but they did at least take it right down to the last game and make a proper battle of it. I hope the hockey was enjoyable all the way through!

End of the road
"Well," said Claire, staring at the board, "that was unnecessary." Her voice got steadily deeper as her sentence progressed, and when she finished there was an ethereal glow emanating from the board itself.
"Back!" yelled one of the arbitrators, turning suddenly. "End of the road there, get away from the board and cover your heads if you value your lives!"

Marc said...

Greg - it was an impressive run, but I'm glad to shift my attention to other things now that they're done.

Ooh, this took quite the turn! I'm rather looking forward to seeing what happens next!