Tuesday September 29th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: deadlines.

Property taxes are due tomorrow. The town gave people three extra months to pay them. Judging by how busy we've been this week, far too many people took full advantage of that. I will be glad when 4:30 arrives tomorrow afternoon.


Greg said...

Three months is long enough that it might be worth hanging on to the property taxes for some people in order to acquire interest from them, so you're likely to get more people taking that offer up than you would expect :)
Still, that doesn't make your life any easier. To give yourself a break and a laugh, put up a sign on your desk that reads "Last day for property taxes was yesterday."

I wrote a novel,
Posted it to a deadline
And I think it's lost...

No need for panic,
Illiterate editors
Cannot stop me now!

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, I think that was part of it. Plus the people that don't like paying taxes always wait until the last minute, it seems. And yes, we did at various points consider locking the front door and posting a sign, something along the lines of 'Office closed due to staff not wanting to put up with any more of your crap - please use mail slot to drop off your payment, or do it online - it's 20 frickin' 20, after all.'

Okay, that might have just been me.

Hah, I enjoyed the attitude in your second haiku - that makes it my favorite this week.