Saturday January 9th, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the weary traveler.


Greg said...

Hmm, it's easy to show that someone is weary in four lines, but the traveller part is a bit trickier. I've tried to catch that by picking a moment where the narrator wants to stop but isn't being allowed to, and... well, I guess we'll see if it works.

The weary traveller
The boarding house is boarded up:
Wall-eyed men ignore me as they hammer nails
Through plywood sheets into rotten doorframes
And shake their heads when I ask if there’s room to sleep.

And -- I'm not sure. I think maybe not, I think this could be anyone, not just a traveller. Hmph.

Marc said...

Greg - I think you did just fine with the prompt, considering you did only have four lines. I don't know what I would have done, to be honest.

Mostly I was just trying to give you a prompt that could have followed last week's, if you so chose, but was open enough to interpretation that you wouldn't feel obligated to do so :)

And... actually, I still can't say if this would follow last week's or not. Guess next Saturday will clear things up. Maybe.