Sunday January 17th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: taking flight.


Greg said...

I am still wondering if something interesting is going on with your house purchase, given all these prompts.... ;-)
Since you asked, Egwater and her friend are new. I've started re-reading the Wheel of Time lately, partly because I gave up on it when I realised (somewhere around book 9) that Robert Jordan had spent 800 pages on three days in the lives of uninteresting characters. But Brandon Sanderson did write the conclusion to the tale and so I'm seeing if I can get all the way through this time. As a result you have a little RJ parody/pastiche there :)

For today though, some characters who made a very fleeting appearance on your blog some time ago.

Taking flight
The Starship BusinessClass was currently in dock. It was far too large to ever land on a planet, having been built to house a little under three-thousand crew and passengers and enough armaments to defend itself in the various warzones that were scattered around the galaxies of the Soviet Federation of Space, so it was berthed in a gigantic hangar that orbited the moon Encephaly that in turn orbited the planet Dobriy. Most of the crew were off-board, either sitting around the space-station attached to the dock-yard or having transported themselves down to the planet to breathe real air (overrated) and see nature in all its glory (redder than they expected). The passengers had all been forcibly debarked, and most of them had been transported down to the planet as well, except for two on the no-land list that Dobriy maintained. They were currently stored in the transporter's pattern buffer and would be rematerialised onboard when the BusinessClass took flight again.
Captain Hollister sat down in his chair on the Bridge of the BusinessClass and looked around. His communications office, Yoohoo, was sitting at her station and watching a Polish soap opera from the early twenty-first century and Pucker, the science officer, was watching a computer monitor with a look of deep sadness.
"Computer," said Captain Hollister who was getting board and wanted to take flight from this dockyard as soon as possible. "Status report."
"Download is 17.8% complete, Captain," said the computer. "Estimated time of completion is 2.33 years."
Pucker looked up and shook his head. "I keep telling you captain, we should switch the computer over to a modern operating system. It is currently installing the completed download but is deeply confused. We should be ready, for people suicidal enough to fly in a ship run by MicroGoogleSoft, to leave this afternoon. Assuming we find no additional bugs in the software 'upgrade'."
Captain Hollister could hear the quotes around 'upgrade' even though Pucker was speaking with his methodical, uninflected tones of emotionless dispassion.
"It is modern," he said. "It's the latest download."
"Of an operating system that hasn't fundamentally changed since 1980," said Pucker. "That's prehistoric in computing terms. It still can't show us a map of an entire galaxy sector without taking 15 minutes to render it. If you would just switch to NovostiyOS we could get downloads in real-time while we're in flight. For example."
The lights on the bridge went out. "System error," said the Computer. It sounded like a barrister in a panic. "Diverting all power to missile systems."

Marc said...

Greg - no, nothing interesting. Just busy trying to get things arranged. Thankfully most of the packing has been done already, what with the majority of our stuff still in storage.

Ah, I got through the first five or six (or more? It's been a while) books of that series very quickly because by the time I discovered the series I had some catching up to do. But then I caught up and had to wait for the next books to be published and then they'd come out and not be about the characters I wanted to read about, so I lost interest. I was aware that it had finally been completed but I'm not sure I'll be investing the time into getting through it any time soon.

This is vaguely familiar to me. I remember Captain Hollister and the ship computer, at least. I was happy to be reintroduced and introduced to the rest of this scene and its characters, whichever the case may be.