Friday November 12th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the skeleton crew.

Only three of us (out of nine) in the office today. That's what happens when a stat holiday falls on a Thursday. I don't blame those who took the day off - if I had any vacation time left I would have done the same.


Greg said...

I continue to think that the UK's method of moving all public hoidiays (except Good Friday and Christmas, though I think it could apply to Christmas too) to the nearest following Monday is a good one for all these kinds of reasons. Instead of having a Friday where there many absences and no-one feels like working anyway since it's sandiwched between a holiday and a weekend you simply get regular long weekends and people turning up on Tuesday are always slightly happier because it's only a four-day work week now. But Malta does the same thing with holidays being on "significant" dates (as though the date is important rather than what the holiday is supposed to celebrate) so I'm getting used to having weirdly chopped up weeks every now and then :)

The skeleton crew
"They seem malnourished," said the Assessor, who had been sent by the Emperor of Dawn and his newly formed "Bright Government of Light and Hope". She tapped her pen against her parchment and frowned at Admiral Dread, Master of the Navies and part-time necromancer.
"They're skeletons," he said, feeling a sense of hopelessness creep over him like ants over a captive staked out in the desert, "they're not supposed to have meat on their bones."
"Skeleton crews are inherently a Health and Safety issue," said the Assessor, "and you should have put in a requisition order for more men!"

Marc said...

Greg - really I'd have been plenty happy if they just made it a four day weekend for everybody so that no one was stuck working the one day with little to no support from other staff because all the other staff took the day off. Do that for all Thursday and Tuesday holidays and problem solved! As far as I'm concerned.

This seems like a world I'd like to hear more from. Are you still looking for something to do a deeper dive on? I feel like I never got back to you on that one...