Saturday November 6th, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: disorientation.


Greg said...

Hmm, I have what is, for me, the perfect use for your prompt but I'm not sure it's what you were expecting...

The boarding house is still boarded up
But a shop next door has opened, called Disorientation.
I buy water, two bottles that slake my thirst and make my head spin,
And I hear music, a song called this abhorrent nation.

I was also reading your comments; I don't think the narrator of the Westrill story is a hero to be honest, though I'm not sure he's an anti-hero either. The more I think about it, the more I think "the collection of exceptions to everything" is kind of exactly what he is in my head. Wherever he goes and whatever he does there's always problems because he's somehow broken the rules before he got told about them :)

Marc said...

Greg - hey, as long as the prompt works for you I'm happy.

With less than two months to the finish line, I am still intrigued by this tale and very curious to see how it ends.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Always nice when another character in a story describes a central character so perfectly for us :)