Thursday July 14th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: a history.

Visited the Royal BC Museum this afternoon and spent most of the visit in the natural history wing. It was a beautiful day so we also spent some time on the grass in front of the Legislature Building, which is next door, and, of course, had some time at the beach.


Greg said...

Hmm... so you went to the Legislature Building... this sounds like a busman's holiday for Canada's premier assassin, doesn't it? I'm guessing that the person you assassinated was found dead at the hands of an indigenous population weapon that had previously been sitting in the Royal BC Museum and there is much head-scratching and puzzlement all round, while you have witnesses to swear blind that you were burying rolls of carpet in the woods when the assassination happened.

Is Funes an historian?
Are his memories,
A tapestry of everything that has happened around him,
Recorded sequentially,
Without context or inference,
A history of what has happened?

Or is he merely
Tabula rasa?
If every evening he wrote down the day
And every morning started afresh
With a mind as empty and clean as the dawn
Would his writing be a history
Or a fantasy of things he does not remember?

Marc said...

Greg - continue to be impressed by your ability to tie all your theories together, no matter the prompts and commentary I provide.

This is lovely work, once again. Bravo.