Tuesday July 12th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: capitals.

Heading to Victoria tomorrow morning to spend a few days with friends at that end of the Island. Looking forward to it, as I haven't been in the provincial capital in a long, long time.


Greg said...

Ah, so now you've buried all the bodies you're leaving the area. That seems like a sensible plan! I hope these friends can all be trusted to provide an alibi for the past few days as well, plus swearing blind that you're allergic to carpet and would never go near a roll of it :)

I'm flying to the UK for a couple of days tomorrow; then after that I'm back to Malta on Sunday for the last two weeks.

Ransom notes are sent
In all capitals because
I'm a slow learner.

The tops of columns
Intrigue me. I like best the
Doric capitals.

Marc said...

Greg - what are friends for, after all, if not to lie to the police on your behalf?

I hope your travels went well, though clearly I am much too late to say much else.

Heh, appreciate both of these, perhaps the first slightly more for the story lurking behind it.