Wednesday July 27th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: sleep.

Like, for example, the approximate one hour's worth I got last night because my swollen, itchy foot was bothering me.


Greg said...

Do you not have any creams you can put on that are slightly numbing and soothing then? In the UK we have Savlon which is good for pretty much any kind of small scratch, scrape, sting or sore. Here in Malta the problem isn't the insects but the heat -- it's stupidly hot and it will get worse in August. When, thankfully, I'll be back in the UK :)

They say that time heals all hurts;
That's not time, it's sleep.

When you put on one of your hair shirts
And began to wail and weep
I turned away from your faked distress
And put myself to sleep.
And when I woke and found you gone,
Your notepad soaked with blood,
Your message telling me I'm heartless...
That's all well and good.
You're off to bother someone else
And I hope that they are blessed
With more patience than I ever had.
While I shall get some rest.

Marc said...

Greg - there wasn't any in the house and I didn't think it was going to be a problem until I actually tried sleeping. I put something on it in the middle of the night but it didn't help much.

Hmm. Your narrator would likely have died in their sleep had I seen this the morning after my 1 hour's sleep.