Tuesday May 1st, 2018

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: a sensation.


morganna said...

She comes, she goes, with
The greatest of ease, she's a
Flying sensation!

Greg said...

@Morganna: your haiku can be taken in a few ways today, which I rather like :) I think my favourite interpretation is of an entertaining aunt who drops in and out of people's lives, always doing something interesting and then on to the next thing.

'Mime for the blind' turned
Into far too much groping,
It's a sensation....

She listens to deep,
Sensual voices. Relax,
it's ASMR.

Marc said...

Morganna - welcome back!

This feels like it could be about Mary Poppins :)

Greg - heh, that first one paints quite the picture. Nicely done!