Wednesday May 23rd, 2018

The exercise:

Write about something that is: online.


Greg said...

I went to the dentist yesterday with what I thought was a filling that had partially cracked and needed redoing. It turns out that the tooth has been infected for probably about 5 years and the filling had actually collapsed into the tooth. There's a cyst at one of the roots that had actually dissolved about a centimetre of the root on that side, which is how we can gauge how long this has been silently there.
And you thought my Ilmatu stories were horrifying... ;-)
So the tooth will be removed, the cyst cleaned out, the whole thing packed with cow-bone and my own blood ( :-} ) and a screw put in so that we can put a false tooth in its place. I'll update you as I go through the surgeries :)

Let's return here for today's piece.

For a moment nobody moved, and then the clerk, realising that the gunshot had missed him, grabbed a baseball bat from underneath the counter and swung it. The would-be robber threw up his arms in reaction, blocking the bat. Aubergine and Adrian both cringed as the bat thwacked against them, and then the gun was arcing through the air. It landed somewhere an aisle beyond them and discharged again, the smokey, acrid smell of cordite displacing the piped fresh-bread smell. There was the sound of breaking glass and a brief scream.
Adrian turned to her, dropping the case of beer, and threw his arms around her.
"I feel so alive!" he said, and their eyes met. There was an electric moment that reminded Aubergine of the time she'd discovered that the outlet she plugged her hairdryer into was faulty, and as the worrying tingle ran up her spine he leaned in closer and his lips met hers.
He tasted of chocolate and melons, which she thought was an odd combination. His arms tightened gently around her shoulders and upper back and his warmth was comforting. As his tongue gently pushed into her mouth, she realised she was shaking. She pushed herself slightly away, not breaking his hold on her, and then rested her head against his chest. It felt like there was heavy jewellery under his shirt.
"That was... scary," she said.
"I think I broke my foot," said Adrian. She looked up, and then pulled back from him to look at his foot. The case of beer that he'd dropped was still on it.
"Oh," she said, wondering if it was wrong to wish that he'd broken hers instead so she wouldn't still be at risk of a foot massage. "We should get you to a doctor."
Behind them, a small boy darted into the shop. Ten seconds later the bearded man with the laptop walked in looking annoyed, the other small boy in tow.
"We can just look up what to do online," said Adrian. "I don't want to bother someone for just a foot."
"But if it's broken... let me check." She pulled out her phone. Almost immediately social media asked her if she wanted to check-in with her current location 'Scene of a shooting'. She hesitated -- did she want to check in?
A small boy ran past her, carrying the gun, and the bearded man escorted both children out of the shop. She clicked 'check-in', and then started searching for how to cure a broken foot.

Marc said...

Greg - good lord. Oh wait, it gets worse. Let me finish reading before further comments.

Good. Lord. Well, I'm glad it's been caught and there's a fix. I hope the process isn't excessively painful?

Hahaha, thank you for the continued asides. Can't stop smiling as I read this over again.

And thanks for bringing us back to this story as well! It had slipped from my memory and I'm rather pleased to have it back again :)