Tuesday October 30th, 2018

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the swarm.


Greg said...

I'm choosing to believe that Kat arranged for your birthday gifts from your sisters to happen at the same time, so you had the massage as part of the meal :)
Swift, horde, and swarm? Are the outside denizens trying to come inside now it's getting colder?

The swarm
They say snakes don't swarm,
But there are fifteen in the
Bathtub looking cold.

Do they eat spiders?
Because they're swarming now too...
It's time to move house!

Marc said...

Greg - I would have been okay with that. Massage and then dessert? Sign me up.

I... don't remember the inspiration for this set of prompts. Sorry!

Yeah, definitely time to move house. Pretty sure I'd be gone after the snakes, no need for the spiders to drive home the point...