Wednesday October 17th, 2018

The exercise:

Write about a: party of four.


Greg said...

Wasn't Party of Four an American sitcom from the nineties? Just how far behind you are on Netflix exactly...?

Party of Four
The yellow smoke swirled and moved, all in the same direction. More smoke filled in the space it left so it was a little like being underwater watching a current pull things past. Then it reversed direction, and after seconds, repeated. Lord Derby watched this and tried to shake the feeling that he was watching the room, or wherever this was, breathing.
You are curious. The words tickled his ear as though someone had put their lips as close as they could without touching and then whispered. Tiny tendrils of heat snaked away from his heat, running over his scalp and fading before they got to the other side of his head. I shall keep you.
"I'm afraid I have another appointment already," said Lord Derby. He found that he was shaking, though he managed to keep his voice steady. His hands refused to ignore his demands to be still, and his torso was just as disobedient.
I don't care.
"I expected you'd say that," said Lord Derby. "But what use am I to you if you keep me here?"
The opening of cherry blossom. The unearthing of the basaltic rock in Vyachoslav Oblast. The vast antarctic chambers where the shoggoth-birthing pods are cushioned in broken flesh. The ventricular wine in an omugazi in the Fifth Prefecture.
"Is that your shopping list?"
Party of four.
"It sounds very much like a shopping list."

"Do you think we wait here, or go through another doorway?" Tomasz was looking from one doorway to another rapidly, and his fingers were playing with the buttons at the bottom of his shirt.
"Do you think we can both go through the same doorway?" Samual looked calmer, but he was paler. "Standard military policy would recommend leaving this place altogether and regrouping where it's safer."
"Yes." Tomasz stopped fidgeting and seemed to relax. "Yes, of course. Going into the unknown can only increase the risk and danger. We go back to known ground and replan."
At the doorway to the Temple they halted. Landing, midway between the doorway and the Witnesses, was a Byakhee.
"Lady Grace," said Samual, bitterness seeping into his tone. "Of all the people...."
"What do we do?"
"Inside or outside?"
"We could lock the door again, so...."
"From either side though."
"Yes, ok, so that doesn't help."
"Outside." Tomasz suddenly took a decisive tone. "Outside, and we leave the door open to let her go in. She can't follow Ernest because that door is closed, but if she knows how to open it, she might free him."
"Turn the enemy against himself," muttered Samual. "Sound thinking."
They stepped outside into the odd, flat light of Carcosa. "Where do we hide?"

Marc said...

Greg - party of five, I think. Anyway, this was inspired by the four town council positions being up for election.

Ahhh, the tension is ramping up here. I think Derby is doing well for himself, so far. But I'm not sure how long he can keep that up. The arrival of Lady Grace is an intriguing addition to the mix.

I, as always, look forward to discovering what comes next.