Friday February 22nd, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the song remains the same.


Greg said...

It feels like it's been a long week again, but a productive one. I don't feel tired, just relieved to be able to choose what to do today :) For characters, I was actually looking for someone else that the Misses Hyde and Sikh brought to mind (and I think I'd missed your comment on them, a couple of days earlier than the link for today's, where you said they creeped you out. I suspect I haven't helped matters with recent revelations), but then I found Mar Coquan and well... his is a song that always stays the same :)

The song remains the same
"Is it just me," murmured the svelte actress in the low-cut Snow-White dress, "or are they playing this song on repeat a lot?" Mar smiled at her, feeling the pinch as Meredith, his personal AI, contracted his clothes around his ribs and waist -- a message that it was time to stop flirting and start acting.
"It's hypnosis," he said, enjoying being honest for possibly the first time in a decade. "The song remains the same until you can all be trusted to obey when I say, PUT YOUR WALLETS ON THE TABLE NOW AND THEN RETIRE TO THE BACCHANALIA ROOM!"

Marc said...

Greg - ah, Mar! That came flooding back to me as I read it, so thank you for revisiting him. And Meredith, obviously :D

And yes, I am ignoring his full name. I want to say 'again' or 'still' but I'm not entirely convinced I even noticed it first time around...

Greg said...

Hehehe :) As far as I know, you didn't notice it when I first used him, but I did slide his surname in fairly subtly. I think I've only used you three times as a character :-p