Saturday February 9th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the first cut.


Big Buddy spied Mr. Fox at his local
Gym, where he was lifting weights.
While he was so preoccupied Big Buddy
Found his car and cut the brakes


Greg said...

I am impressed: you've held off killing anyone in this poem for six weeks, and it looks like Mr. Fox is going to the be the first to go :) Although with the brakes on the car cut, I guess he might not be the only death in the aftermath... now I wonder if Big Buddy is adding to the list as he goes?
Nice work, as always, though. I'm really enjoying this poem!

First cut
Below the Tree the leftmost card is her
With rheumy eyes and an eternal cold.
The next shall be her Champion. She cuts
The deck and draws. First cut: a sword of gold.

Marc said...

Greg - thanks! I had to pace myself, you know. Can't be killing people every week, all year long...

I am enjoying yours as well! Really looking forward to seeing things unfold as the year goes on :)