Monday February 4th, 2019

The exercise:

Write about: the potion.


Greg said...

I'm not deliberately avoiding Derby, but the current set of prompts set my mind going in other directions. I shall return to him after two-haiku Tuesday, no matter how difficult you make the prompt :)
In other news: I have the dentist appointment to install the crowns today, so I will, this evening, have no gaps in my teeth for the first time in at least ten years!

We're continuing this today, because it's been too long since these two visited :)

The Potion
"Right," said Dave, Warden 8502. "We've got everyone inside, and the bombs are falling like --"
"Rain?" said Vince, Warden 11063.
"No, like --"
"Scattered showers?"
"No, like --"
"A whore's drawers?"
"No. Shut up Vince. Bombs are falling like drunk people on an ice-rink. According to Warden Control, whoever's bombing us appears to have learned how to do it from an early-80s computer game."
"I remember those," said Vince. He smiled, despite the stench of rotten mushrooms.
"Yeah -- no. Wait a minutes Vince, you're a millennial. You weren't born then."
"Oh yeah, right. I remember my dad telling me about them though. Like how you had to have an extra hand grafted on to use the joysticks."
Dave stared at Vince like he'd grown an extra head. "I might just believe that of your family," he said at last. "Anyway, we're going to be in here for a while, probably until they run out of bombs. So how're we getting on with the clean-up?"
Vince looked bright and perky, which just annoyed Dave who was nauseated and still worrying about the vials of weaponized smallpox.
"So," he said, "the vault-dwellers --"
"The what now?"
"The Vault Dwellers. Like in Fallout 4, right?"
Dave gently banged his head on his desk, which Vince ignored.
"So the vault-dwellers have been shovelling the mushrooms, only we're not allowed to let them go outside, so they've just been moving them from the stockpile to the kitchen."
Dave stopped banging his head.
"We're turning them into a potion," said Vince. "Fermented mushroom juice is naturopathic and contains vital minerals and trace elements, and since we also located the great Canadian cornflour mountain we're mixing the white bits of that in to make it look like a smoothie."
"The white bits? Naturopathic? Fermented...?"
Vince sat up straighter, keen to explain. "So, we've got this traditional Chinese doctor lady, and she's been giving us the recipe-"
"-and turns out cornflour goes off after a while, so we dug in to find the stuff that's still white and probably edible-"
"- and while the taste is a bit rank -"
"- people are getting really happy off drinking it. Are you ok, Dave?"
"Headache," murmured Warden 8506.
"Here, try some fermented mushroom juice."

Marc said...

Greg - for the record, I'd already scheduled Wednesday's prompt before reading this :)

And hurrah for dental work completion!

Hah, sounds like things are going about as well as could be possibly expected here :D