Tuesday February 12th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: fever.


Greg said...

I seem to have spent a lot of yesterday solving other people's problems, so it was kind of a relief to sit down in the evening with Far Cry 5 and shoot people in the head with arrows. Until I bumped into the dude with a flamethrower, who proved to be armoured. He had to be blown up :)

Silent and deadly,
Cooking from the inside out,
Red fever spreads fast.

Every child is dead
And there are too few folk to
Mourn. Red fever burns.

[After writing this, I realise I should be hoping that the prompt isn't issued because of fevers in the family. Or at, that no-one has Red fever....]

Marc said...

Greg - hah, that sounds like some good video game therapy :)

Heh, Miles had a fever but it's passed now, so you're in the clear :P