Friday April 26th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the whine.


Unknown said...

Blogger is still refusing to recognise my usual gmail account when I write comments on your site -- I can't figure out why either, since I've signed in, removed cookies, and god-knows-what-else. Still, is the whine today about the children? Or were you just plagued by a mosquito last night? :)

The whine
The moment it became horrible was when he realised he was still falling. The Temple wasn't so high that he could fall for longer than five seconds before hitting the ground, even if he'd fallen past the ground floor into some kind of pit. Now the air was whining in his ears and rushing past his face fast enough that it was hard to breathe, and... still he was falling. For the first time ever he was falling for long enough that he realised he was scared of stopping.

Marc said...

Greg - pretty sure Blogger just hates you at this point.

And... I think it was inspired by Miles. He has a cold and is being miserable about it. I think he's starting to get better now though.

Argh. Well. At least there's... um, possibly some hope... seeing as he hasn't... er, gone splat yet.

And no, I'm not giving you that prompt any dang time soon.