Saturday April 20th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the dark of night.

As mine runs into next week's four lines, I think I shall take that opportunity to post my yearlong poem in its entirety thus far.

I think I'll do it in the comments though, to save on the front page being a scroll fest for a week...


It was nearly three weeks later when Buddy
Awoke in the dark of night
To discover its parts were moving once more,
And gave the child quite a fright


Unknown said...

So Buddy has had three weeks paid leave? I can't see the Master being happy about that.... Now I guess he'll murder the family that rescues him, burn the shanty-town to the ground, and set off after his next victim? :)

The dark of night
They settle in a nat’ral harbour, watch-
-ing stars fill in the sky. The stars are wrong
And in the dark of night the Sailor won-
-ders why. When morning breaks they launch a boat.

Marc said...

Greg - hah, we shall see what Buddy gets up to next :)

'The stars are wrong' seems rather ominous. Curious to see how this boat launching goes...