Friday September 13th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the ruling.


Greg said...

I'm posting all out of order, but you're probably the only person who will spot that :) Mostly I'm filling in the bits I can with the time I have available while I catch up, so it's not out of perverseness (this time...).

The ruling
The judge stopped at the table and carefully counted the number of players on his fingers. "You're two short," he said, "but I haven't got time to listen to your excuses. We have a new ruling: the letters from the bag must be drawn with the bag now two metres above shoulder-height, because we've had allegations that people are drawing letters so that their partner can see them as they're drawn and tell them to drop the tiles back in. A lady will come round in a minute with a stool and a stand so that you can set the bag up properly and then use the stool to access it."

IvyBennet said...

She shouldn’t have been there as they read his charges. After all that he did, daring to pretend to be Lucan so he could get into her bed, daring to make her fall in love with him, she should have simply left him to stand trail for all the wrongs he committed. Yet Abelinda couldn’t have stopped her feet from walking to the hall that day.
And as the words of his sentencing fell from Lord Amicus’ mouth—death, of course, for putting royal blood in danger—Abelinda felt all the numbness and hurt inside her swirl into a whirlwind of despair.

Marc said...

Greg - yes, well, with my rate of response I don't think it would matter how out of order you posted...

Hah, I would enjoy watching a tournament run in this manner.

Ivy - ooh, nicely done. You can see the various emotions battling each other here.