Saturday September 28th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: looking.


The Master peered through a crack in his curtains
And spied only smoke and flames.
He began screaming for Junior and Bucky
But chaos swallowed their names.


Greg said...

I looked back a little: things have come a long way since the Master wrote his death-note list, and they don't seem to have quite worked out the way he intended. I can't help but feel that he's not going to get out of this without some scratches, and probably smoke inhalation, especially now his defenders can't hear him....

Madame Sosotris looks upon the cards,
She trusts them more than anything outside.
The Shadow looks across the City, and
The Robot looks where the Sailor stands.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, I did not see this from where I was standing when I began writing in January. I think it's gone pretty well overall.

There's a whole lot of looking going on here. I like it!