Tuesday September 17th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: man versus machine.


Greg said...

OK, removed two meetings for today (people are off) but added in a lunch-meeting, so I think I haven't gained or lost anything, just rearranged things. I'm also not sure how keen I am on lunch at the moment; while in Vienna we tended to eat Viennese breakfast (enormous!) and then go out late in the evening for tea and that was plenty, even with all the walking. That said, I did manage to get a couple of very nice restaurants with tasting menus (Lab stelle especially!) and a superb indian restaurant one evening, so it sort of a relief not to have to have lunch :)

Man versus machine
These self-driving cars
Are in charge of the roads now.
Man versus machine....

I procrastinate
So much better than any
Of these computers.

Marc said...

Greg - I can see doing two meals instead of three freeing up a lot of time. I'm not a big enough eater to manage that, but I can see the appeal.

Hahahaha... your second is my favorite thing I've read all day, if not all week. Seems like something I should say whenever I'm surrounded by technology.