Saturday September 21st, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: an entrance.


While Junior and Bucky hurried to respond -
One feeling scared, one bolder -
Charlie strolled into the burning compound,
A shotgun on his shoulder


Greg said...

Well, things are definitely hotting up in your tale, and not just because of the fire-bombing! Do we have all your characters gathered together in the same place now? I am looking forward to what happens next!

The entrance
The Robot seeks an entrance through the walls:
It tears the stone apart with metal hands,
Ignores the calls for mercy as it meets
Its own demands, and pushes ever on.

Marc said...

Greg - yup. I've got the Master up in his room, Buddy and Charlie inside the compound, and Bucky and Junior within shouting distance.

I'm not sure how I've managed it, to be honest, what with the complete lack of a plan throughout this entire poem.

Great visuals here. And while I appreciate that the two have nothing to do with each other, I still enjoyed seeing Mercy make an appearance :)