Friday September 27th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the scramble.


Greg said...

So, an outside influence has come into play and now you're scrambling to get something or some things done because of it? So... your next assassination attempt has had to be moved up because of... impeachment proceedings becoming a threat?

The new ruling about the height of the bag slowed the game a little, and at one point when Mary fell off the stepladder they had to have the board reset by the judges, but it was nearing its end now and there were only a few tiles left on each rack. The words on the board spidered out to each corner with little clusters here and there where Theresa had showed off her knowledge of three and four letter words, but the scores told a damning story: Team Titanic had 212 points, while Team Iceman had 301. There was, perhaps, just enough left for Team Titanic to sneak a victory, but the sad look on Mary's face as she scrambled and rescrambled her letters told a different story.
"HELP," she said a little sadly, setting down three of her last four letters, "for 15".

Marc said...

Greg - nah, just trying to keep the Scrabble prompts for you :)

And I am not disappointed! I'm glad that even without keeping up with the comments that you've been able to work with these Friday prompts :)