Friday March 13th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: Ewoks.

Max and Miles' most recent Star Wars fascination.


Greg said...

Are the Ewoks in the same film as the Borg or am I getting my Trek Wars all mixed up again? Actually... I quite the like idea of a Borg/Ewok crossover and I have a TrekWars universe sat around somewhere on this blog, don't I?

Play had passed to Chris again via the less aggressive RADIO and SOLO and he was tapping his rack and his teeth alternately with a scrabble tile. Then the tile slipped from his fingers, bounced on the floor and landed underneath their opponents table, and Chris dived after it; his head jolted their table making their tiles jump and more tiles land on the floor but he was back in moments with no apology and following by a cloud of curse words. Margaret was so taken with how he'd managed to swap his Q for an E in this process that she listened to him say "SMOKE: 26," with absolutely confidence without doing more than glance at the board. Play had officially passed to her before she turned her head to read the tiles clearly and realised that he'd laid down EWOKS instead.

Marc said...

Greg - I can't recall, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you have already begun a TrekWars tale.

Either way - this is great. I knew you'd find a way to work it into the Scrabble game :)