Friday March 6th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: an intruder.


Greg said...

Theresa gazed at her rack, feeling just a little uneasy that hostilities had started already and she knew so little about their opponents. She eyed the Os in COMPOSTS wondering about making ROTUNDER but couldn't find a high enough score for her liking and so cast her gaze around the board. One of the judges walked past and, so fast she wasn't entirely sure she believed her own eyes, Chris's leg whipped out and tripped the judge, who stumbled into Table 8 sending tiles and false teeth everywhere.
"INTRUDER," she said, setting her tiles down with measured little taps, mentally escalating the threat level.

Marc said...

Greg - I like the heightened intensity of this match, in comparison to the previous ones. I find myself very much looking forward to seeing how this plays out.