Friday March 27th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the UFO repair shop.


Greg said...

I don't think I can consistently incorporate the UFO repair shop into the ongoing Scrabble game that we normally visit at this time of the week; maybe Theresa was a manager there in her youth, but it doesn't seem like something that would naturally come up over the board. So I guess we'll divert briefly and go and visit a real UFO repair shop.

"Is Mr. Spondulik in please?"
The guy in the blue mechanic's overalls laughed and wiped his greasy, blackened hands down the front of them, where the smear blended in nicely with everything else that was there. "Spondulik died fifty years ago, son, and you've got the wrong place. I can clearly identify what you have there; it's a 1941 Messerschmidt with anachronistic laser mountings, an 'I love Jupiter' tourist sticker, and a great big hole where the oxygen plant oughta be."

Marc said...

Greg - ah, sorry about that. I may have forgotten about the Scrabble game while choosing this prompt for Friday. I... think this coming Friday will be more workable? If not, I'll make a point of getting us back on track the following Friday.

Regardless, I like this shop and would not be upset to hear more tales from its inhabitant and visitors.