Tuesday March 10th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: a crisis.


Greg said...

Does this mean that coronavirus is reaching your part of the world? I noticed on a recent North America chart that it looks like Vancouver might have a few cases now, though I would expect that the big cities get the majority of cases. My course has been cancelled; we completed the ISO19011 course but didn't start the ISO27001 -- which is actually the important one -- because the teacher is Italian and discovered that the italian lock-down meant he had no obvious way to get home to his wife and son. It is fair to say he was distracted and worried, and I think he did the right thing cancelling the rest of the course.

Molehills to mountains --
social media makes it
happen overnight.

It's not a crisis,
it's an opportunity
..if you're rich enough.

Marc said...

Greg - yes, I'd say he was in the right as well. That's rather scary stuff. And yes, Vancouver has a few confirmed cases now. Nothing local as of yet. With quarantine measures and event cancellations increasing at a rather startling rate, I'm hoping it stays that way.

That's a big yup on your first one. And the second, unfortunately. Really like the first though.